Chemical Hazards List

ClassificationBrand NameActive IngredientHazard(s)1
acute toxicity, skull and crossbones
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
acute toxicity, skull and crossbones
health hazard carcinogen
aquatic toxicity
health hazard carcinogen
skin and eye irritant
aquatic toxicity
health hazard carcinogen
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
PesticideGardstar, Permethrin SFRpermethrin
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
PesticidePT 565 Plus XLOpyrethrin with piperonyl butoxide and N-octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
AntibioticFumagilin B, Fumadil B*bicyclohexyl-ammonium fumagillin
skin and eye irritant
AntibioticTerramycin, Terra Pro, Tetra Beeoxytetracycline
health hazard carcinogen
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
Acid*Mite-a-Way (aka MAQS), carboxylic acidformic acid
skin corrosion/burns
Acid*Api Bioxaloxalic acid
skin and eye irritant
Acid*HopGuard IIpotassium salt with hop beta acidUnknown; need more information
Oil*Apiguard, Thymovarthymol
skin corrosion/burns
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
skin and eye irritant
Oil*Apilife Varthymol, eucalyptol, menthol, camphor
health hazard carcinogen
aquatic toxicity
skin and eye irritant
OilBeetle Blaster Oilsoybean oil plus numerous additivesUnknown; need more information
*Chemicals promoted by Texas Apiary Inspection Service and the Honey Bee Health Coalition as of September 3, 2020; 1Chemical hazards for each active ingredient, listed in the PubChem database.