Our Values

We are homesteaders who love good, healthy food and caring for the earth.

Dunsmore Honey is a family-owned and operated small farm business, whose mission is to raise healthy, strong bee colonies and produce healthful raw honey in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. Years ago, we had a vision of owning land in New Braunfels, TX, creating a homestead, and preserving the land for wildlife. Step by step, our dream became reality, and Dunsmore Honey emerged from it.

Our family has a deep-rooted appreciation of nature and a love for homegrown food.

  • We protect and improve the health of our community.
    Our land is mostly dedicated to wildlife and native plants and we never use chemical treatments on our hives. We also never put honey from cut-outs or other, possibly contaminated, sources into the hives.
  • We preserve the amazing flavor and medicinal benefits of honey.
    The raw honey is minimally processed so that it contains every bit of pollen, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, propolis, and aromatics that bees collect from plants endemic to the Edwards Plateau and the Blackland Prairie in the Balcones Canyonlands.
  • Our bees are raised responsibly.
    We handle hives with gentle care and use methods to avoid overharvesting. We leave honey and pollen for the colonies to survive during nectar dearths and to thrive year after year.